You're in hell, Pierre.
I'm your nightmare.
You're a corpse and you're in hell.
I'm your nightmare.
You're crazy! Get lost!
What were you dreaming?
Stop torturing me!
It's good that you're pregnant, fuck it!
It's not a disease.
You're pregnant, not ill.
You're expecting a baby!
What do you expect me to do?
I work 14 hours a day,
I take care of everything.
But every night, you wake me,
you piss me off
with this sick shit!
You pour your poison in my ears!
My God...
We met barely six months ago.
You were so beautiful.
We had it off
and you got pregnant.
That's good.
We'll do as you want.
But get off my back!
The neighbours...
Fuck the neighbours!
All this
leaks out of you.
I won't be your undersheet.
Shut up.
You're crazy.
I accept it because you're crazy.
You're heedless.
You act like a coward,
with me and your work.
You ignore me
in my own apartment.
Shut up.
You kill me! Shut your mouth!
Just shut it!
No, I won't shut it.
I want to sleep.
Shut your fucking mouth!