to a line in "Circus Animals".
I can't even remember it.
Try anyway.
An ambiguous line.
The French usually interpret
"lay down" as "die".
"Now that I've lost my ladder,
I die where all ladders leave."
I don't really agree.
You can interpret the same verb as:
That's much better.
Yeats is getting old,
he has lost his imagination's ladder
but never mind.
Now he is resting there,
at the very spot
where all the ladders of the mind
Therefore, it's an optimistic poem.
You're quite right.
Still, it's tragic
dreaming about translation problems.
I'd rather have normal dreams.
What are "normal dreams"?
About my parents
or I don't know...
Like patients in Freud's books.
Forget Freud's books.
Any other thoughts about this dream?
It's a dream of impotence.
It's a metaphor for erection.
I can't climb the ladder:
I'm finished as a man.
Or, in my dream,
I'm with the other citizens,
in the crowd.
I'm twelve,
I'm at the foot of the ladder
and I can look up...
your skirt.
Very good.
That'll be all for today.
Thank you, doctor.
Brilliant, you're legally crazy!
I knew it and this proves it!
The IRS can stuff the adjustment
and all the rest up their asses.
Get the psychiatrist on your side.
What're you doing?
Writing to the prosecutor.