Rois et reine

He was writing all night.
He's finished it.

He asked me to pass it on to Mr Virag.
I know. How is he?
He's starting to desaturate again.
I've had to put him back on oxygen.
Your father
has taken a lot of morphine.

Too much.
If he increases his doses now,
it will kill him.

We need to wean him off it.
We'll stop the morphine
for a couple of days

until he "kicks the habit" a little.
After that, we'll be able
to start again with lighter doses.
I don't want him to suffer.
In any case, he's doomed.
You can't say he's "doomed".
He's ill but he's still alive, isn't he?
You can't save him.
He's in pain all the time.
And he's so frightened of dying.
Yes, it's very frightening.
What can I do?
You can be his daughter.
And hope for a miracle.

There are miracles with bowel cancer?
Not many...
But you can pray very hard
for a miracle this time.
I have to pray?
You don't have to.
But what else can you do?

What about you, do you pray?
Not really.
Me too, I hope with all my might
that something impossible,
something magical will happen.

And, that way, during all the time
