I'm dying.
And I find it unfair
I should die while you live.
What's wrong?
Your face is all red.
I'm all right.
If only you had my cancer
and were in pain.
If only I had the time...
to forgive you,
after you die.
- When do the removal men come?
- Tomorrow.
So I die with rage in my heart.
I cannot stand the idea
of you surviving me.
I wish you would die
instead of me...
and that's not possible.
And Jean-Jacques?
He's coming back tomorrow...
to get everything.
You'll come with us?
Hey, you came!
You look like Elmer Fudd!
Too classy for you.
A convict's cap.
Hi, Simon!
You seem to be in good health.
Why do you work so late at your age?
You know, the way things are going,
if we didn't stay open late,
we'd have to close down for good.
Where's Mum?
She's at home.
She opens up in the morning.
Luckily, your cousin Simon helps us out
It's Chernobyl!
Max, check this out!
There's no beer?
No, lads, no alcohol. But there's soda.
What kind of crap store is this?