That's interesting. Because I would've
taken you for a romantic. Why, then?
Because we need
a witness to our lives.
There's a billion people on the planet.
I mean, what does any one life really mean?
But in a marriage, you're promising
to care about everything -
the good things, the bad things,
the terrible things, the mundane things...
All of it.
All the time, every day.
You're saying, "Your life will not
go unnoticed, because I will notice it.
"Your life will not go unwitnessed,
because I will be your witness."
You can quote me on that,
if you like.
I'm sure I will.
Anyway, the reason
that I called you here today,
to tell you in person that I won't
be needing your services anymore.
I think to continue...
would be an unwarranted invasion
of my husband's privacy and...
Anyway, even though
there was a reason...
I'm sorry for what I've done
and I know enough now and...
it's time to stop.
Thank you for everything
and... goodbye.
Mrs. Clark?
I was right.
You are a romantic.
- A new costume.
- Yeah.
I got it from this mermaid dream
I had in the hospital.
Just floated up from
my subconscious.
Where, tragically,
it did not stay.
Come on, partner.
What are you waiting for?
Divine intervention?
You're a brave man, John Clark. Not
just anyone could take on the Bobbinator.