Anyway, even though
there was a reason...
I'm sorry for what I've done
and I know enough now and...
it's time to stop.
Thank you for everything
and... goodbye.
Mrs. Clark?
I was right.
You are a romantic.
- A new costume.
- Yeah.
I got it from this mermaid dream
I had in the hospital.
Just floated up from
my subconscious.
Where, tragically,
it did not stay.
Come on, partner.
What are you waiting for?
Divine intervention?
You're a brave man, John Clark. Not
just anyone could take on the Bobbinator.
Good luck, man.
We're with you.
Somebody help me up! Please?
OK. 55 days from today you two
are gonna win the novice competition.
That means you're gonna
have to master five dances.
I've asked Paulina
to videotape you tonight,
so you can see what
you're doing wrong.
Let's start with a rumba.
What? What is it?
It's the rumba.
It's the dance of love.