Fuck! Too early in the morning for that.
You know what I mean?
Oh. She's a kid, for God's sake.
As if she would even be attracted
to guys like us in the first place.
Speak for yourself, man. I get chicks
looking at me all the time. All ages.
Dudes too.
Well, it's not worth it.
You pay too big a price.
- It's never free.
- You need to get laid, Miles.
- - That's gonna be
my best-man gift to you this week.
I'm gonna get you laid.
I'm not gonna get you a gift certificate
or a penknife or any of that other horseshit.
- I'd rather have a knife.
- No.
You have been officially depressed
for, like, two years now.
You're a negative guy anyway,
even back in college.
- Mm-hmm.
- And now it's worse.
You're wasting away. Teaching English
to fucking eighth-graders?
When they oughta be reading what you wrote.
Your books, Miles.
- I'm working on it.
- Not working hard enough.
- Are you still seeing that shrink?
- I saw him on Monday.
I spent most of the time
helping him with his computer.
Well, I say fuck therapy and-
What is that stuff you take? Xanax?
And Lexapro, yes.
Well, I say fuck that too.
You need to get your joint worked on, Miles.
Okay, Jack- Jack-
This week is not about me.
It is about you.
I'm gonna show you a good time.
We're gonna drink a lot of good wine,
we're gonna play some golf...
we're gonna eat some great food,
enjoy the scenery...
and we're gonna send you off in style,
mon frere.
And get your bone smooched.
You know what?
Let's take the Santa Rosa Road exit
and hit Sanford first. Okay?