what doyou know
about the Pilager family?.
Jeremiah Pilager,
who comes here in 1870...
sells dry goods at cutthroat prices
to the pickers and panners.
He accepts a land deed as payment
from one poor sourdough...
which becomes
the Pilager Seam.
So the lone wolf prospector legend?.
It's a crock. Boomtown money,
big mansions, extravagant lifestyles.
But when the silver bubble
bursts in 1893...
Pilager's already diversified,
and he comes out richer than ever.
These days, the family fortune
has switched from mines to...
cow pies.
More than you can possibly imagine.
If someone doesn't dispose of
this stufffrom time to time...
the stockwould be
up to its sirloin in shit.
- The family business.
- The flagship, so to speak.
The real money comes from
their association with this gentleman.
You know the nameWes Benteen?.
As in Benteen Ranch?.
Benteen Realty,
Benteen Medical Associates...
Gold Mine Communications,
which produces the poo-poo
the Pilagers clean up...
Bentel Stadium.
So he's the Bentel Corporation.
- Founder and CEO.
- Big money guy.
- Mega.
- And a real piece ofwork.
During the Iran-Contra thing, he sent
Oliver North's boys a set of cargo planes.
He used blacks and Chicanos
to bust the unions in slaughterhouses...
and then he fired half ofthem
and brought in migrants without papers.
He's never once been hit on
by the Immigration Service.
And he and the senator?.
When Richard, the son,
who is fondly referred to...
by his frat mates as "Dim Dickie"...
sinks his inheritance into Silver City,
a ghost town with an abandoned mine...
which turns out to be abandoned
for a good reason...
guess who bails him out by paying six
million dollars over its original value.
Wes Benteen.
A personal favor.
One contributor putting up
over halfthe money for a senate run.