Benteen Realty,
Benteen Medical Associates...
Gold Mine Communications,
which produces the poo-poo
the Pilagers clean up...
Bentel Stadium.
So he's the Bentel Corporation.
- Founder and CEO.
- Big money guy.
- Mega.
- And a real piece ofwork.
During the Iran-Contra thing, he sent
Oliver North's boys a set of cargo planes.
He used blacks and Chicanos
to bust the unions in slaughterhouses...
and then he fired half ofthem
and brought in migrants without papers.
He's never once been hit on
by the Immigration Service.
And he and the senator?.
When Richard, the son,
who is fondly referred to...
by his frat mates as "Dim Dickie"...
sinks his inheritance into Silver City,
a ghost town with an abandoned mine...
which turns out to be abandoned
for a good reason...
guess who bails him out by paying six
million dollars over its original value.
Wes Benteen.
A personal favor.
One contributor putting up
over halfthe money for a senate run.
- Looks kind offishy.
- Unless it comes from within the family.
So, Dickie Pilager.
Not a public official yet.
Serves as a front to Benteen,
bankrolling his father's campaign.
Benteen is in real estate.
He's in cattle.
He's in publishing, media, mining...
utilities, waste disposal.
How much federal regulation
doyou thinkthat entails?.
When Benteen wanted to end
health and safety inspections...
at his meat processing plant,
SenatorJud led the charge.
So he wants his own man in the governor's
mansion, someone corruptible.
There is not a corrupt bone in Dickie
Pilager's body. He's just- What?.
He's user-friendly.
Wes Benteen, Chuck Raven just saywhatever
they thinkwill get them what theywant.
Dickie Pilager is a true believer.
These are the guys
you're working for, pal.
I wasn't even born when most ofthis
happened, and it still pisses me off.
It's not like I'm helping them
get elected or anything.
You're just trying to pay
the rent like everybody else, right?.