Silver City

I keep my own records,
you know, ifyou can call it that.

I have them sign
when they come in.

I check their I D
ifthey look underage.

Redeye Stinger.
"Tony Guerra"

- He was pretty drunk, that guy.
- No, not him.

Try earlier.
I only done
one other stinger this year.

Doyou remember anything about him?.
The other one.

Another Mexican. I think.
I get so many bean-eaters in here.

I was probablyjust glad
it wasn't her again.

I could do that tat
with my eyes closed.

So, is this like a cop thing?.
I imagine they'll get
around toyou pretty soon.

There he is. Lázaro Huerta.
And the catererwill be here
very, very early.

I get up with the sun.
How's my-

How's the candidate holding up?.
Give it to me straight.
He doesn't haveyour head for policy.
I'd like to see him plowing his way
through the appropriations bill.

He's never been
much ofa reader.

Well, we break it down and feed it
to him bite-sized.

He's impatient.
He's always been impatient.

He's knuckling down. You have
every reason to be proud ofhim.

He's a fucking disaster
when he's offthe script.

I don't thinkwe have to worry
so much about him straying that far.

I mean, as long as nothing
comes flying in from left field.

And what would that be?.
In Carbonville...
right next to
Everything For A Buck store.

I've looked up 18 Huertas
in the phone book.

I've called them all.
I seem to be missing
a microwave oven.

Ifanything else comes up, I'll make
sure to get back toyou, Sheriff.

