I'd like to see him plowing his way
through the appropriations bill.
He's never been
much ofa reader.
Well, we break it down and feed it
to him bite-sized.
He's impatient.
He's always been impatient.
He's knuckling down. You have
every reason to be proud ofhim.
He's a fucking disaster
when he's offthe script.
I don't thinkwe have to worry
so much about him straying that far.
I mean, as long as nothing
comes flying in from left field.
And what would that be?.
In Carbonville...
right next to
Everything For A Buck store.
I've looked up 18 Huertas
in the phone book.
I've called them all.
I seem to be missing
a microwave oven.
Ifanything else comes up, I'll make
sure to get back toyou, Sheriff.
She takes the broom,
leaves the dustpan.
Story of my life.
- Yes, hi, it's-
- Danny?.
Yeah. It was great
to seeyou the other day.
You looked really good, Danny.
Hey, if this is about me
and Chandler-
No, no.
This is business.
I'm doing a little background
on the Pilager family...
and sinceyou're covering the-
I'm actuallygoing to a function
at the senator's house tomorrow...
a thank-you
for their big fund-raisers.
Ifyou promise to be
on your best behavior-