All ofhis plans,
every scheme he's ever had...
has had a jinx on it.
His wife has to support him.
He thinks he's a failure.
Ifthis Silver Citything
were to fall through-
And he's in with the Pilagers?.
Up to his neck.
Hush money?.
Severance pay.
And don't go
making trouble, Danny.
Won't do any good.
So why'd you ever hire
a basket case like me?.
Lookwho I married.
Travel expenses.
Richard Pilager cares aboutyou.
It's like he's a bad actor that doesn't
believe himself in the part. You know?.
You read these polls-
I swear, the questions must be:
Would you rather
have Dickie Pilager as governor...
or haveyour pancreas pulled out through
your nose with a rusty coat hanger?.
But still,
33% prefer the coat hanger.
What's this?.
"Silver City"
Someone left us a treasure map.