all you've got
is another opportunity...
to fuck upyour sorry excuse
for a life even more than now.
People likeyou thinkyou've got
everything covered.
You think nobody cares enough
to fight back.
But somedayyour shit's gonna
catch up with you, and when it does-
You're a loser.
That's already been established
beyond doubt.
So just try and be a good one.
Don'tyou thinkyou ought to
changeyour shirt?.
- How'd you find me?.
- I'm a detective.
You said we were investigators.
I'm a detective.
You're an investigator.
And the first rule is, don't go
finding more than you're looking for.
Look, ifit weren't for Mort-
All ofhis plans,
every scheme he's ever had...
has had a jinx on it.
His wife has to support him.
He thinks he's a failure.
Ifthis Silver Citything
were to fall through-
And he's in with the Pilagers?.
Up to his neck.
Hush money?.
Severance pay.
And don't go
making trouble, Danny.
Won't do any good.
So why'd you ever hire
a basket case like me?.
Lookwho I married.
Travel expenses.
Richard Pilager cares aboutyou.