Shall I get you an ice cream?
You are some moron.
But, it's nice of you.
- Ok, get me an ice cream.
- Which one?
I hate making choices.
I'll take this red one.
Which one,
you have to show me.
- You don't see it?
- I'm colour blind.
I can't recognize colours.
It's all black and white.
- You're bullshitting me?
- I swear on Tito.
It's like in the song:
"It's a black-and-white world."
- lce boy! Over here!
- Nothing but turbo-folk junk!
What sick fucks listen to this?!
- Stop dragging me!
- You want us killed?
Because I don't
like their crap music?!
You don't understand.
"Kiss - my - ass."
I am Ratko the Bosnian dork,
all this around me is a
"black-and-white world..."
- What are you doing?
- "Chucking my shitty shoes."
You are crazy, throwing
away such nice sandals.
- What colour are my toenails?
- I don't know.
- What colour is the truck?
- Grey, like everything else.
- I thought about it a lot.
- And?
Maybe you should see it
my way. Grey.