You don't understand.
"Kiss - my - ass."
I am Ratko the Bosnian dork,
all this around me is a
"black-and-white world..."
- What are you doing?
- "Chucking my shitty shoes."
You are crazy, throwing
away such nice sandals.
- What colour are my toenails?
- I don't know.
- What colour is the truck?
- Grey, like everything else.
- I thought about it a lot.
- And?
Maybe you should see it
my way. Grey.
- But things have colours.
- How can you tell?
We who see colours are many.
You colour-blind are few.
That's why we're normal,
and you're sick.
Just because
we are outnumbered...
"There were incidents
between Slovenian police
"and the YU army in Postojina."
"Slovenian police
spread leaflets,"
"Welcome to Slovenia."
You're right, fuck the news.
Check it out,
some fancy booze.
What a bottle... American.
Want some?
It's better than
your drugs and shit.
Cut the crap.