Three hours.
Hey, hey, what's this?
Someone having a par-tay tonight?
Par-tay, Jules!
Keep it up, SpongeBob. You'll have
two pictures of yourself in a coma.
Jules, I can't make your overnighter.
I'm doing the dance.
The dance?
The high school dance?
Oh, right. Have fun.
"Have fun"!
How did Staci get so popular, anyways?
We used to be best friends.
That was elementary school.
So, I think I have a solution.
I'll just move with you.
You have to stay put, kiddo,
hold up the tent.
The tent won't be
the same without you.
So this is our future?
Your future.
I still can't believe you're moving.
How am I supposed to
do high school without you?
There it is...
the high school lunch spot.
And there's
where I'll be sitting.
Staci and Liz...
Life is so predictable it kills me.
Steve is so plush.
Isn't it great?
He can't see me, not at all.