I can't believe you're moving.Where is Vancouver, anyway?
Do you know what happens to girls whostart high school with no best friend,
no guy, and low social standing?
Nothing.Nothing ever happens to them.
But look at it this way... you havethe whole summer to revise your image.
I never truly had an image, did I?
Start now.
See you, guys!
Julie, Hannah, hold on.Take this. Here. There you go.
What's this? I thought we weredone with junior high.
It's the summer reading list.
You read all these books?
Yeah, many times.
Really, Mr. Corrado,you need to get out more.
Okay, that's not funny!
You two, slow down!
Julie, party problem.
Great. Staci's gonna goto Liz's sleepover.
Speak of the devils.
Hey, Yancy,my father's a lawyer.
He could help you sue the diet pillcompany for nonperformance.
Do you want to cometo my sleepover?
Me? Yeah, sure.Absolutely.
- It's tonight. Seven-ish.- Cool.
Last chance to seea picture of me in a coma.
I've got tubes in nasty places.
You were barely in a coma.