A plug?
Calm yourself.
We'll take care of the car,
you just go get his boxers.
Wait... why do I have to
boost his boxers?
Are you kidding? The only reason this
is even on the list is because of you.
She's right.
This one's all you.
Do you think he's in there?
It's almost ten.
He might be at the dance by now.
Or he might be inside getting ready.
I mean, no one great
shows up before ten.
Thanks for that.
I can't do this.
Let's go home. We lose.
You are Julie...
great knees, powerful brain.
You can do this.
"Great knees"?
"Powerful brain"?
Is that supposed to
make me feel better?
What do you care anyway?
You're moving.
That's why I care.
Julie, I know you can do this.
Ugh! Serious ugh!
Got 'em!
Here she comes!
She did it.
She actually went inside.
This is gonna be
worth the price of admission.
PatrolTec Security, please.
Hello, I'd like to report
a suspicious person at 947 Oak Lane.
Thank you.