If you tell anyone about this...
I will so injure you.
Looks like we're going
on a scavenger hunt, men.
That guy just waved at me.
I am so smushed, I can't even
return a wave at a cute guy.
Cute guys never wave at me.
Oh, what am I saying?
No guys ever wave at me.
I'm fat.
You are not fat. Who told you
that you were fat?
Uh... Staci and Liz.
I heard they have scales
in their gym lockers.
They do. They made me
stand on it in front of everyone.
It was the worst moment of my life.
That's hideous.
Yancy, would you rather eat
celery or a brownie?
What is that, a trick question?
So you'll just date guys
who like brownies.
Okay. First on the list,
They look so cute in your clothes.
Good luck.
Keep it.
Attertior. shoppers. Old Navy
will be closing ir five minutes.
They locked it.
Of course they did.
There's another
display window over there.
Let's go.