- That's not funny, Chico!
-!t's not supposed to be!
! hate to do this,
but you screwed up my life.
What the hell are you saying?.
! can't see another way out of this.
Chico, stop! Stop!
What have! done to you
to make you so mad?.
- What's this?.
- Take a guess.
!t's a keychain, so what?.
!t has your name on it!
My name?.! can only see an "A".
"A" like in Alberto.
You know damn well it's yours!
-!'ve never seen this in my life.
- Liar!
Chico, stop!
Are you crazy?.!
!'m telling you, this is not mine!
Just read the engraving on the back!
"Remember our love,
Yours forever...
... Suzy.
Your Suzana?.
Do you know another Suzana
besides my wife?.!
! never got any keychain
from your wife!
- You're a sick man, Chico!
-!'ll break your neck!
Stop it.
Come back here!
!'m not sleeping with your wife!
Get out of there, you coward!
Chico,!'m calling the police.
You've been banging my wife
and planning to take her
with you to Brazil...
Do you expect me to be quiet
about it?.! Get out of there!
! need the Police, right away!
- Someone's trying to kill me!
- Get out of there!
!'m not sure where! am.
!t's a junkyard with very old cars
hidden in the woodland.
- Get out of there, you chicken!
- Exactly!
Hurry up!
Thank you.
Chico, you better calm down.