I'm gonna start my own airline.
No further questions.
Muggs, take care of that, please.
What is this--
BET's "How I'm Living"?
I'd like to give a shout-out
to all five of my babies' mamas.
High five, Laquifa.
I'm comin', girl.
Yes, Lord!
Everybody. $100 million!
Relax. Thank you.
Wait a minute.
You the only sister.
You can't say nothin'?
What in the hell
is taking her so long?
Relax, honey. She has arthritis.
She's, like, 200 years old.
I know. It's great.
Ready? Go.
Mr. Hunkee?
- Yes.
- I've got good news and bad news.
The bad news is that your flight 114
to JFK has been canceled.
Oh, for the love of--
But the good news is
we've been able to find
another airline that can
accommodate you this evening.
Would you be interested
in another airline?
- Even Dad thinks you're cute.
- Get off me!
- You're such a whore.
- What did you say?
Did I stutter?
There you are.
Four tickets for flight 069
on NWA.
What you're going to want to do
is go to Gate One--
that's Terminal X--and we'll send
your luggage on down for you.