- Thank you for your help.
- You're quite welcome.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
Hey, sweetie.
Don't get it greasy.
It's very expensive.
I know, I bought it.
Now, a gentleman always
carries a lady's bags.
- So why are you carrying hers?
- Be kind, son.
If I play my cards right,
she'll be your future mother figure.
That's scary.
Ooh, hey, sweetie.
Wait a minute.
Don't look back
and not say anything.
Excuse me.
You got to move, lady.
Baby, come here.
Gimme a second.
Girl, you must not know
who I am.
Nashawn Wade, baby.
I own NWA. The boss.
Where the hell is Terminal X?
Relax, honey. Didn't we just have
a great vacation in Crackerland?
No, we didn't--
give me that stupid hat. Leave it!
You know what would've
been great? Going to Hawaii alone.
Listen, you know the deal.
I only get to see my kids
every other weekend.
Billy, where's your sister?
She's that way.
Heather, you can't just
walk away from the family.
If you want to go somewhere,
you gotta ask permission first.
Dad, I'm 18 years old.
She's 17. You are 17.
Fine. For a couple more hours.
I am 17, and then I'll be 18.
Then I can party and have sex.
- Sex?! No, no.
- Yeah, sex.
Missionary, doggie-style,
rockin' the baby,
gettin' tea-bagged,
playin' the trombone
while I'm tossin' his salad,
hand jobs, ear jobs,
blow jobs.
Gettin' a pearl necklace,
ridin' the bologna pony...
- sucking--
- That's enough!
- Did she say bologna?
- I don't know.
...whenever I want, and best of all,
I won't have to listen to you.
Can you believe that?
What came after
getting tea-bagged?
Something about the trombone.
Okay, everybody,