[ Lee ] I`ll bet they`re
pUlling oUt all the stops to find Us.
I can tell you what
they`re doing right now.
They`re sitting in a meeting in Jo`Burg.
Smoking fat cigars.
Trying to figure out how to handle this
without making themselves look...
even more witless
than they already are.
Oh, no, you can`t be serious.
- You`re next.
- Nah. There`s no need.
Cops have got nothing on me.
No photos, nothing.
You lying shit, man.
[ Grinding ]
Lie down!
Lie down!!
Lie down!!
Allan!! Allan!!
OUtside the walls, Allan.
Trade test is over.
Let`s go.
Nice to see you.
[ Laughing ]
I`m Peter Grey.
I`m very pleased to meet you.
[ Laughing ]
Kenny Roberts.
Brandon Clayton!