Lie down!!
Lie down!!
Allan!! Allan!!
OUtside the walls, Allan.
Trade test is over.
Let`s go.
Nice to see you.
[ Laughing ]
I`m Peter Grey.
I`m very pleased to meet you.
[ Laughing ]
Kenny Roberts.
Brandon Clayton!
You swine!
Now, where to, my Chinas?
Now what do we do?
We fuck with the system,
we crumble its foundations
and capitalize on the new disorder.
What the fuck is that
supposed to mean?
It means we rob every bank between
here and the other side ofJo`Burg.
- [ All Laughing ]
- Whoo! Whoo!
- It`s empty.
- Fill it.
Fill it. Quickly.
The bank`s money or yours?
[ Man ] Help!! Anybody help!!
We`vejUst been robbed!!