...but I haven't seen anyone who looks
anything like Prince William.
My name is Dean Barraclough.
I'm a fully-qualified handyman.
One person I actually do a lot of work
for is the film actor Michael Caine...
...who lives here.
He's a good bloke.
Michael's even asked me
to design his swimming pool.
And I pride myself on doing
a very, very good job.
You get what you pay for with me.
You know, quality.
Lt's gonna need a little rewiring, here,
Dean. You know what I mean?
Well, rewiring you want,
I'm your man, Jack. Lt's amazing.
L can't believe I'm standing next
to Mr. Cuckoo's Nest himself.
L may wanna extend up there.
Build myself a little den.
Have you ever done
a loft conversion before, Dean?
Have I ever done a loft conversion?
- Hurry, Jean-Baptiste, hurry!
- Are you ready, Johnny?
- L'm ready! Let's go!
- Action!
Welcome once more,
ladies and gentlemen.
Here we are, in Stella Street,
and it's the home...
...of Mr. Joe Pesci...
...le Bad Guy!
Joe Pesci, the star of such films
as Casino, My Cousin Vinny...
...Raging Bull and GoodFellas
is moving into Stella Street.
- So, what do you think?
- L wouldn't keep my fucking dog here.
Skid fucking row.
Lt's a pile of junk.
Lt's yet to be seen if he's gonna
blend into this environment, here.
Oh, fuck you pricks. Come inside
and have a nice cup of tea.
Lt is you, isn't it?
- Do you want something?
- You're David Bowie.
Well, what's it got to do with you?
L can't believe this street.
Lt's like living in Hello!
Jackie Nics, Jo-Jo Pesci,
Ali Pacino, Mickey Jags...
It's amazing!
Oh, just get on with your work.
Can you believe it?
Broke all my glasses and cups.
L'm practically drinking
out of my hands...