Stars Over Stella Street.On August the 11, 1963...
...something extraordinary happened...
...to this leafy suburban streetin South West London.
Something that the residentsof Stella Street will always remember.
L was going into the kitchen to puton the kettle, to make tea...
...when the doorbell goes, and there'sa man in a suit just standing there.
L was 11, and I was boilingthis rabbit that was still alive.
And all of a sudden,this huge car turned up...
...and these four very strange-lookinggadgees got out.
They said this house here and this streetwould be great for the Fab Four.
And I said, "Fab for what?"
Should have got ourselvesA better place up West, oh, yeah
Instead of hanging 'roundA smelly dump like this
The landlady's getting old
And I spy, with my little eye,something beginning with R.
Yeah, run!
Eh, you know, Eileen,after all them posh hotels...
...staying with you is like stayingwith me favourite auntie.
You boys want a square meal afterrunning from all the girls at the station.
Some of them want morethan your autograph.
- Let's do something, shall we?- Okay.
One, two, three, four.
I should have put some butterOn me toast today
But the cornflakesHave floated away
It's always been little bit of a favouritespot for the celebrities for some reason.
I used to see Richard Burtonget out of his huge Daimler...
...because he wasa very rich superstar.
Wait here all night.
Why he had to live in digs here,I'll never know.
Hello, Richard.On your own again?