That's interesting.
L think I'll find
alternative accommodation.
A different kind of Spartan, maybe.
All right there, darling?
My goodness, this is heavy.
- Al Pacino!
- Call me a cab. L'm leaving.
No, I don't think you understand.
L'm Victoria Beckham.
Posh Spice.
You know, one of the Spice Girls.
Can I just say, Al Pacino...
...you're just about my favourite actor.
Well, you and Dolph Lundgren.
He's good. He's fucking great.
One of my favourite films of yours of all
time has got to be Devil's Avocado.
You're, like, waltzing around,
twirling around, you are, blind as a bat.
Scent of a Woman.
They showed them both.
- Do you like it? Lt's Givenchy.
- Yeah, that's lovely.
Keep watching the films.
Al, you've got to meet my friend,
Lord Stanford.
Tony Stanford. How you doing?
Lord Tony Stanford?
L wished I'd never met him.
I used to hang out at this club
called Sushi's.
It's a high-class joint
with loads of easy birds...
...and rich blokes having their cash
removed. That's where I met him.
He'd become a bit of a face in the city.
- Michael Caine, you old cad.
- Hello, Tone.
He was a bridge between the crusty
old dukes who own Dorset...
...and young rogue traders, with
their Porsches and Armani laptops.
Took the man's cash for a walk
through the Cayman Islands.
Of course, what I didn't know...
...Tony was hanging with one
of the most evil bastards in London:
Vince Crush. He made the Krays
look like the Pet Shop Boys.
Where's mine, Tone?
Stupidly, I invited Tony to the party.
You see the name "Lord,"
you think "honest as the day is long. "
His whole manner was kind of lordly,
noble, honest, straight-backed. Yeah.
My philosophy is very simple.
As long as I can do what I want,
when I want, I don't give a fuck.