Sorry, I'm blind.
L'm from Right Note Piano Tuners.
Here's me card.
There's nothing on it.
Sorry, that's the one in Braille.
This is my driver, Mr. Scarlet. This a
good time to tune Mr. Pacino's upright?
L suppose so.
Well, you'd better come in.
Have you been here before?
Oh, yeah, we've done this place
a few times.
Piano, he means.
- That's Mr. Pacino's piano in there.
- Right. Yeah.
What lovely white furniture you've got.
Well, I imagine it's white.
L'm just popping next door to Jack's, Al.
Be back in an hour to dry your pants.
Yeah. Right, bye. Thanks.
Where is it?
- on Wall Street.
Anybody with any sense...
...is pulling their money out
of Doshcom as we speak.
Jesus Christ!
Mrs. Huggett, Hoover someplace else.
L can't hear what's happening in here.
Hey, guess what.
L just won my first game
of English cricket. Yeah.
Yeah, they couldn't get me out.
L'm a natural cricket guy.
Lt's peace and quiet
all the way here, Bev.
No one bothers you.
Yeah. Now, listen...
...this shit you sent me,
Tweety Pie in Tinseltown.
"Al to read the part
of Second Fluffy Duckling. "
No way. No.
Not even for 10 million bucks
will I do that shit. Over and out.
Goodbye to you.
What the fuck is that asshole doing?