Hey, we could probably even
set up a family trust.
You're not listening
to me, Vince.
I don't want anyone
thinking I'm a poof.
You're on the house here, boys!
Right ho, mate!
No, not poofs, mate...
same-sex couple.
That's what they call it
these days.
Same-sex couples.
I don't care
what they call it.
I don't want to be one!
We'd just be pretending,
for goodness sake.
What's your problem?
I just wouldn't feel
comfortable with it.
I mean, I've got nothing
against them personally.
Good luck to them.
But I wouldn't
want them near me,
much less going around
saying I was one.
There's a word for you,
Ralph: Homophobic.
Well, there's a word
for you too, mate:
Out of your bloody mnd.
Have you any idea
what the reaction would be
around here
if people thought
we were a pair of pansies?
"Same-sex couple," Ralph.
Take Big Red,
for instance.
He'd laugh us out of town.
Not everyone in town
is as close-mnded
as you and Big Red.
Oh, no?
Why don't you ask
the boys later
what they think?
Don't know any,
and I don't care to.
There is Eric, of course.
Yeah, but he's
the local hairdresser.
It'd be a worry
if he was the barber.
I'd cut me own hair.
You mean you pay
to get that done?
Get stuffed.
They reckon
Tom Farquar's eldest
is that way inclined.
Ran off and joined
the Australian ballet.
Next thing I hear,
he's up in Canberra
doing the
Nutcracker Suite.
Sounds painful.
How long have we
known each other, mate?
Most of our lives.
And in all that time,
have I even been wrong?
Karen Stevens.
Karen Stevens?
That was 300 years ago;
get over it.