And no one will ever know.
No one will ever know.
All right, I'll do it.
Oh, mate, I could kiss you.
Just you bloody try.
Ralph, I can't tell you
how much this...
I never did really thank you
for all you did for us.
You have now.
So I go in this box.
Then you go here.
Just a moment.
Why do I have to be
the spouse?
It's not important.
It is to me.
I don't want
to be the spouse.
Makes me sound
kind of wussy.
You're supposed
to sound wussy.
That's the whole point.
Why can't you be
the spouse?
I'm taller.
Well, if it's such
a big issue,
I'll be the spouse.
You can be
head of household.
That make you happy?
Well, happier
than being the spouse.
Help me through this.
"Period of cohabitation."
How long since
we moved in together?
Well, we want the full
five years' back benefits,
so six years.
Now, hang on.
Hang on.
When did your mssus
shoot through?
About six years ago.
Yeah, so, what, she left
and then, straight away,
we move in together?
What's wrong with that?
Well, I don't want
to look easy.
It looks like I got you
on the rebound.