They're going to hang us up
by the balls!
we can convince them
we're telling the truth.
You are not gay.
I am not gay.
This bloke is going to be
an expert on gayness.
He's probably done
a course on it.
We're done for.
Not necessarily.
I mean, how long can
an interview like this last?
An hour?
Two, tops.
All we have to do is keep up
the act for that long.
What act?
I don't know how to look gay.
We're just going
to have to do
a crash course on it.
Plenty of time up our sleeve.
He's not due here till...
the 21 st.
That's the day of the ball.
Oh, that's just
bloody beautiful, that is.
Gives us plenty of time
to learn how to act
like the real thing.
From who?
They're not exactly thick
on the ground
around here, mate.
No, no, no, no, we're going
to have to go and see Jack
and fess up.
See Jack?
No way.
I'll come up with something.
Trust me.
I always do.
But no one around here
must ever know.
And cakes and biscuits.
That's our department too,
We've already started
getting organized.
Haven't we, girls?
Now, now, ladies.
Let's not get too far
ahead of ourselves.
We need it to be fresh
on the night.
Oh, it will be.
Well, I think
that takes care
of everything
unless anyone has anything
of interest to report.
Yvonne, dear,
are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Now, you sure?
Faith, um,
can I tell you something?