- Well, I don't know.
- No, no, no.
We'll watch them like a hawk.
I'll drive up in the morning.
It'll be great. It'll be fun,
like a slumber party.
What do you think?
At least we know they're safe.
With traffic shut down,
we won't get there...
...till the middle of the night.
- See you tomorrow.
Good luck on the big premiere,
Uncle Stan.
Thanks, Kylie. Hey, and Kylie...
...I'm glad you're okay.
Bye, Archie. Bye, kids.
- Big kisses.
- Bye, bye.
Good night.
Hi, Mommy. Hi, Daddy.
Okay, we bought some time.
Now what?
I have to find out what Biscane
is up to with Bobbins' World.
And stop him before it's too late.
I spent 30 million dollars
and 10 years of my life.
So why is my most elaborate
and important operation...
...in danger of being brought down?
Because your men couldn't catch
a teenage girl?
- Yes.
- No!
- No.
- I know who is lurking behind this.
- Who?
- Kahuna.
That makes sense.
I hate this bit.
It's unbelievable.
Here I am on the threshold
of my ultimate dream...
...and as always,
Kahuna seeks to destroy it.
What shall we do?
Hey, Archie. Up here.
- Whoa, what are you doing up there?
- Relaxation, Arch.
It's all about synchronizing the mind
and the body.
Kahuna, where did you get
your powers?