I wouldn't give it up for anything
in the world.
But, you know, I just wonder,
you know.
What's that?
If you don't know what a kiss is,
I must be doing this wrong.
- No, that.
- Oh, Kahuna.
Zack, the disk you and Kylie found?
- The disk?
- Yeah.
- Get down here right away.
- The disk. Let's go.
- See anything strange?
- Besides a frog in a top hat?
I was talking about this.
Looks like scrambled data.
- What is that?
- I think it's part of the puzzle.
Technically, this activates
a descrambler program.
Similar to the ones used
on TV cable boxes...
...to receive premium channels.
- He is up to something.
Whatever he's planning,
it's going down at Bobbins' World...
...in 30 minutes. I wanna be there.
- What about us?
Oh, no. I'm feeling
nauseous again.
One day, Finkleman...
...you'll find courage
where you least expect it.
Yeah. I was kind of hoping
I'd finally get to smack somebody.
Suit up, Zack. We're going in.
- Hey, sweetie.
- Hey, Finkie.
- Hey, Maria. How you doing?
- You okay?
- You all right?
- Miss me?
- Auntie Jean.
- Hi.
Hey, Kahuna, you forgot this.
I didn't forget.
I want you to hold on to it.
You'll understand why later.
- Take care, Arch.
- Wow.
- I missed you.
- Hey, Archie.
- Uncle Stan.
- Yeah.
Come on. The show's gonna start.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the time has arrived.
The master is here, the champion
of children everywhere.