SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2

:52:02 30 minutes. I wanna be there.
- What about us?

Oh, no. I'm feeling
nauseous again.

One day, Finkleman...
:52:11'll find courage
where you least expect it.

Yeah. I was kind of hoping
I'd finally get to smack somebody.

Suit up, Zack. We're going in.
- Hey, sweetie.
- Hey, Finkie.

- Hey, Maria. How you doing?
- You okay?

- You all right?
- Miss me?

- Auntie Jean.
- Hi.

Hey, Kahuna, you forgot this.
I didn't forget.
I want you to hold on to it.

You'll understand why later.
- Take care, Arch.
- Wow.

- I missed you.
- Hey, Archie.

- Uncle Stan.
- Yeah.

Come on. The show's gonna start.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the time has arrived.

The master is here, the champion
of children everywhere.

You know him, you love him.
Mr. Bill Biscane.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The spectacle is at hand.

I'll let you all know when there is
just 60 seconds left.

Kahuna is here.
And I guarantee, this will change
the way you think...

...about television, that is.
Zack, direct your helmet camera
towards the satellite dish.

Towards the dish.
Hold it there, Zack.
That box is giving enough
power to light up Times Square.

Find anything?
- Yeah, I think so.
- Okay, cool.

Are we ready?
Let's count it down.

Fifty-six now.
Fifty-five. Fifty-four.
If this man wants to conquer the world,
what better way than television?
