and they're trained to tell you
to buy a bigger size.
For five cents more,
you can get the super size.
Federal government
will define a piece of meat,
three ounces of meat,
as a sensible portion,
and that looks like
a deck of cards.
Few people would be able
to find this deck of cards
if they were served a piece of
meat, a steak, in a restaurant.
It would probably be about
four or five times this size.
One typical bagel
that one is eating
that looks something like this
is going to comprise
five servings of bread.
When fast food companies
first opened,
they generally
introduced one size.
For example,
one size French fries
when McDonald's first opened,
called "fries."
that size fries
is now called "small."
Medium, large, and super size.
That original size
is still here.
It's got about 200 calories.
but the super size is gonna
pack in over 600 calories.
When Burger King first opened,
they had a 12-ounce small
and a 16-ounce large.
This 12-ounce is now kiddy.
The 16-ounce is now the small...
the medium, the 32, and the 42
and this is across the board
with all fast-food places.
Cars have introduced
larger cup holders
to accommodate those huge
7-eleven double gulps,
which are 64 ounces,
a half gallon,
and hold anywhere
from 600 to 800 calories,
depending on how much ice
you put in.
A half-gallon of soda?
A half-gallon of soda
for one person,
48 teaspoons of sugar.
Hello, may I help you?
Yeah, could I get
the double quarter pounder
with cheese meal?
Large or super size?
I think I'm gonna
have to go super size.
Look at that.
look at that coke.
That barely fits in there.
Oh, shit!
Ive got a -- look at that.
look at how big that thing is.
Look how big that French fry is.
That thing is,
like, four feet tall.
Double quarter pounder
with cheese.