Super Size Me

If you can make it
over those three days

without smoking one cigarette,
if you can make it past day one,
day two, day three, you're fine.

Same thing with this.
I made it past day three.
I’m all right.
Left unabated,
obesity would overtake smoking

as the leading preventable cause
of death in this country.

I was at this meal,
and it came up

that one of the people
was a smoker,

and somebody else at the table
started hectoring them about it.

"What's the matter with you?
"Don't you know
how bad it is for you?

"It'll do this, that,
and the other thing to you,

and you really should stop."
And the smoker,
rather than saying, "fuck you,

mind your own business" --
Which, I think,
is the appropriate response --

was abashed and defensive.
"Oh, I tried to quit,"
and, "yeah,
I'm gonna try again,"

and "you're right,
you're right," and so on.

At that same table,
there was a quite large woman,

and I was wondering --
what if this guy,

instead of confronting
the smoker,

had said to the large woman,
"What's the matter with you,
you fat pig?

"Don't you know how dangerous
it is to be so overweight?

"Stop eating, for god's sake.
And don't you dare get dessert,

and what's the matter with you?"
Same logic.
I’d be hard-pressed
to find a distinction

between those two examples.
So, one is now
socially acceptable --

to hector smokers --
but the other one
isn't quite yet.

So the question is,
at what point
will it become acceptable

to publicly hector fat people
in the way that smokers
are publicly hectored?

A secret study
by one of the tobacco companies

had the ominous title --
something like,

"brand imprinting
for later actuation in life."

They would buy
the little toy cigarettes,

and they'd start
play-smoking them

at 4 or 5 or 6.
Wouldn't even
notice the pack.

If you asked them
what pack it was,

they wouldn't notice it,
but the theory was that
somewhere, it's buried in here,

and then when they get to
the age where they're smoking,
