Barbara brown
is the field representative
for Sodexho, one of
the countless lowest bidders
that school districts
have farmed out
the feeding of your children to.
Sodexho services more than
400 k-12 school districts
nationwide every day,
providing quality food like
little Debbie snack cakes,
Gatorade, and candy bars
to your children.
They also operate prisons
and feed thousands
of inmates worldwide.
Part of our position
is that we're hoping
that through
nutrition education,
the students will learn
to make the right food choices
without restricting
what they can purchase.
At this middle school
in Beckley, west Virginia,
the school lunches don't have
the flair they do in Illinois.
This school does not outsource
their food service,
but they are on the federal
school lunch program,
providing USDA reimbursable
meals to the students,
most of which are reheated,
reconstituted packaged foods.
Some days the amount of calories
in each meal tops 1,000.
So, the USDA
sends this food
for you
to prepare for kids.
Right. Well, not all of it, now.
You've got sloppy Joe
bar-b-que sauce with pork.
From the government.
Whatever happened to cooks
actually cooking?
I don't know what happened.
Too many whiny people.
They don't want
to work hard.
It's easy to come in here.
This is the best tool
we got right here --
box opener.
That's your chef's tool,
the box cutter.
Open up a box, serve it,
give it to them.
Let's look at the things
that are actually cooked.
Here's a menu.
Mashed potatoes.
Chili will be homemade.
The chili
will be homemade.
What about
the tomato soup?