At this middle school
in Beckley, west Virginia,
the school lunches don't have
the flair they do in Illinois.
This school does not outsource
their food service,
but they are on the federal
school lunch program,
providing USDA reimbursable
meals to the students,
most of which are reheated,
reconstituted packaged foods.
Some days the amount of calories
in each meal tops 1,000.
So, the USDA
sends this food
for you
to prepare for kids.
Right. Well, not all of it, now.
You've got sloppy Joe
bar-b-que sauce with pork.
From the government.
Whatever happened to cooks
actually cooking?
I don't know what happened.
Too many whiny people.
They don't want
to work hard.
It's easy to come in here.
This is the best tool
we got right here --
box opener.
That's your chef's tool,
the box cutter.
Open up a box, serve it,
give it to them.
Let's look at the things
that are actually cooked.
Here's a menu.
Mashed potatoes.
Chili will be homemade.
The chili
will be homemade.
What about
the tomato soup?
Comes in a box.
You heat it up.
Out of the course
of an entire month,
6 out of 36.
You're only cooking
6 out of 36 meals?
Appleton central
alternative high school
is filled with students who have
truancy and behavioral problems.
But they've turned
things around --
not through discipline,
but through diet.
We were fortunate
to kind of stumble across
this healthy program
as a result of some contact
with natural oven and bakery
of Manitowoc Wisconsin,
and they believe
in low-fat, low-sugar,
non-chemically processed foods
that are free of dyes
and preservatives,
full of whole grains,
a lot of fresh fruits
and vegetables.
We do no beef here at all,
and then it's the method
of preparation,
where we don't fry.
A lot of baking
and then just fresh preparation,
as opposed to opening cans
or thawing things out
from the box.
We got rid of candy machines,
soda machines,