Everybody ready now?
Let's have a nice big smile.
It's not every day
you get married.
No. that's not me.
Do you think I'd marry a nebekh
Iike Richard Levine?
I'm the one on the Ieft
disguised as a dessert.
It's my younger sister.
Sophie's wedding.
But for my parents.
Barbara and Irving...
it's is Iess to do with the joining
of man and woman in matrimony...
and more to do with. weII.
napkin rings.
My brother. Toby. straight out of
the Hampstead Garden Suburb.
And my best friend Debbie.
the groom's sister.
So I suppose we're
famiIy now.
Most peopIe think she's a nightmare
but I think she's funny.
Her dad. Tony.
he's a smaII man.
But. the bouffant wig and
Cuban heeIs...
give him a bit of heIp in both
Her mum's caIIed Hope and
to be honest...
she couId do with some.
This is my worId. A worId
where everyone can be defined...
by which tabIe they're on
at a wedding.
The inner tabIes are for cIose
famiIy friends.
Honest and IoyaI.
Son of theirs. he's a good-for-nothing
who thinks he's a shvartze.
This sauce doesn't taste kosher.
That's Leo. he's a devout
In MarbeIIa. where nobody's
watching. he'II eat a whoIe pig.
SuddenIy here he's
the big rabbi.
Out on the edges.
the 'C' Iist guests.
The peopIe with non-Jewish
partners: the 'married out' tabIe.
This is what he bought me
for Hanukah.
-Chanukah. darling. Say 'Chanukah'.
-That's what l said. 'Hanukah'.