Suzie Gold

Wrong. it's going in the garden.
Bloody crazy woman.
lf this is the only way l can see
the floor in my spoilt son's room...

Mum. listen a sec. yeah?
My spoilt son doesn't need
this crap. Fine.

-Out with the crap!
-Not the music. Will you calm down.

Calm down? He's asking me
to calm down. Fine.

This child of mine who is sending
me to a home...

is asking me to calm down.

Now l'm calm.
You. homeboy.
You see this?

This is calm.
Now l'm so calm l'm on a sun
lounger in Marbella...

Don't throw the mixer out and l'll
come up right now to tidy my room.

-Right now? Right this second?
-Right this second.

Hi. Stephanie... kids. eh!
You are slowly drifting down
the river... that is you.

Your body is totally relaxed...
as your thoughts slip away.
you look around...
and see that you have come
to rest...

on a tranquil. empty beach.
You are totaIIy aIone.
Your mind is as empty as
the sky above.

You have Iet go of your past...
your present...
and your future.

The daiIy stresses...
and strains of your Iife have
faIIen away Iike outer Iayers.

You are naked...
open...and totaIIy reIaxed.
