Your body is totally relaxed...
as your thoughts slip away.
you look around...
and see that you have come
to rest...
on a tranquil. empty beach.
You are totaIIy aIone.
Your mind is as empty as
the sky above.
You have Iet go of your past...
your present...
and your future.
The daiIy stresses...
and strains of your Iife have
faIIen away Iike outer Iayers.
You are naked...
open...and totaIIy reIaxed.
Right. quick frappucino's anyone?
Not for me. l've gotta go.
See you later.
-What's up with her. please?
-Who knows with that girl.
Don't think you're gonna get away
with that without being spotted.
l want a full explanation on my
desk first thing in the morning.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
-l don't know how you can do it.
-lt's really not that different.
-lt's got its pluses as well.
-Such as?
Well. it's full of surprises.
lt's not like with a Jewish boy:
you don't just get what you see.
There's an extra layer.
like a mystery you uncover.
lsn't there like loads of cheese
No. he's very clean.
l want to pause for one second.
Where is this going with this guy?
What happens if it gets serious?
Your parents will go mental.
My parents are not gonna find out.
and you're not gonna tell anyone.