l don't care about other people's
children. My son is going to shul!
Now stop being clever and...
get dressed before l come up
and dress you myself!
You send me to private school...
but you tell me not to be clever.
Three nights this week you've spent
at Debbie's.
What you have to talk about so much
l'll never know.
lt's good for me to get out
of the house.
What's wrong with our house?
lt's not good enough for you?
lt drives me mad.
You're driving me mad with all
this coming and going.
And will you stop with that
He's always drumming. that boy.
lt's like a nervous tic.
'Nervous tic'. it's a disposition!
A nervous tic is not a
Tell Ringo to give it a rest.
will you?
He's going to drum a hole right
through the headrest.
Most Jews I know go to synagogue
twice a year.
It's Iike being a Madonna fan...
but onIy having The ImmacuIate
These two days are basicaIIy
repenting for your sins over
the past year.
Repenting for not going to
synagogue aII year and...
repenting for driving to
synagogue when you do.
Duck. it's the Frohweins!
Oh. great. great...
are you happy now?
Repenting for having a non
Jewish boyfriend.
And. repenting for coveting
your neighbour's ox.
We're aIso not aIIowed to write.
or touch money on New Year.
Which is why our version of the
coIIection box...
invoIves sticking a pIastic tag
in a hoIe on the card.
Or someone eIse's card.
-See. sermon.
Men and women sit separateIy
in shuI.
This is because during
the service...
it's important not to be distracted
in any way by the opposite sex.