Duck. it's the Frohweins!
Oh. great. great...
are you happy now?
Repenting for having a non
Jewish boyfriend.
And. repenting for coveting
your neighbour's ox.
We're aIso not aIIowed to write.
or touch money on New Year.
Which is why our version of the
coIIection box...
invoIves sticking a pIastic tag
in a hoIe on the card.
Or someone eIse's card.
-See. sermon.
Men and women sit separateIy
in shuI.
This is because during
the service...
it's important not to be distracted
in any way by the opposite sex.
-He loves me. He gave me a rash.
-No. he doesn't.
You should see his cock...
Married women are required
to cover their heads.
It's Iike Jewish Ascot.
If you want everyone to know you're
married. you wear a massive hat.
And if things aren't going too
weII. you pIay it down.
But if you're not married. there's
no hiding your hatIessness.
My Anthony's not heard back
from your Suzie.
What's wrong with her? l thought
they were meant for each other?
l don't know. she's not been
herself recently. She's become...
rebellious or something. Suddenly
questioning everything.
l've seen it all before. l don't
know how to say this. lrv...