-He loves me. He gave me a rash.
-No. he doesn't.
You should see his cock...
Married women are required
to cover their heads.
It's Iike Jewish Ascot.
If you want everyone to know you're
married. you wear a massive hat.
And if things aren't going too
weII. you pIay it down.
But if you're not married. there's
no hiding your hatIessness.
My Anthony's not heard back
from your Suzie.
What's wrong with her? l thought
they were meant for each other?
l don't know. she's not been
herself recently. She's become...
rebellious or something. Suddenly
questioning everything.
l've seen it all before. l don't
know how to say this. lrv...
but maybe she's a gay like a
lesbian or something.
She's not a gay. l'd have known
by now.
l do hope you're gonna do some
extra repenting...
for your non-kosher
diet at the moment.
Maybe. what. two days fasting
at Yom Kippur?
And no cheese for a week.
lt's a goy.
-You're joking?
-lt is!