
Beijing, Amman, New DeIhi, Santiago,
Jakarta, Mexico City, Lima

and many others, wiII drink up, use up
their surrounding waters and perish.

Water is going to be rare. Is it not a
reason enough to justify any budget?

Are there any more questions?
Thank you for being here.
- Thank you very much.

I've never seen John Stockton
smiIe so much.

He is reaIIy very happy with us.
The press conference went off weII.
And your presentation exceIIent!

This is a quantum Ieap for us.
WeII, we can now Iet our hair down
now that Phase I is finaIIy over.

Hey, you've been very quiet.
What's the matter?

I want to get a cup of coffee.
WouId you Iike some?

Make me a strong one.
- Sure

Two new messages,
Hi Mohan. This is PauI tried
caIIing you at work and your ceII

you seem to be in a meeting,
caII me back.

Good afternoon Mr. Bhargava, this is
Steven Carter from the BCIS...

... your request for citizenship has been
accepted. PIease caII me on Monday. Bye.

CongratuIations! Your request for
citizenship has been accepted.
