Hey, you've been very quiet.
What's the matter?
I want to get a cup of coffee.
WouId you Iike some?
Make me a strong one.
- Sure
Two new messages,
Hi Mohan. This is PauI tried
caIIing you at work and your ceII
you seem to be in a meeting,
caII me back.
Good afternoon Mr. Bhargava, this is
Steven Carter from the BCIS...
... your request for citizenship has been
accepted. PIease caII me on Monday. Bye.
CongratuIations! Your request for
citizenship has been accepted.
You seem Iost.
- Not reaIIy.
I get it. Work pressures are
stressing you out
and then you have no other interests...
No pubbing, no partying!
Take my advice,
you shouId get married!
You need a Iife partner.
Like they say - Happiness
onIy doubIes when it is shared!
It changed My Iife!
No Vinod, that's not it.
Then what is it?
What's the matter?
Today is the death anniversary
of my parents.
Oh! I'm sorry.
No, It's okay.