Your attention pIease.
Announcing the arrivaI of fIight
AI-1 12 from New York
Good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
How was the fIight?
- Connecting fIight was deIayed. Rest ok!
Did you get anything for me?
- Yeah, everything's for you, kid!
So Kaveriamma... is she stiII Iiving
in an OId age Home?
Did you speak with her?
No, I want to surprise her!
She'II be so gIad to see you.
I'm sure she'II have forgotten me.
Excuse me.
- Yes? May I heIp you?
I've come to meet Kaveriamma.
- Yes.
Kaveri oh yes! She doesn't
Iive with us any Ionger.
Doesn't Iive here?
- She stayed with us for about a year...
... tiII a woman came Iooking for her.
And then, Kaveri Ieft with her.
But where did she go?
Just a minute,
I'II have to check the register.