She'II be so gIad to see you.
I'm sure she'II have forgotten me.
Excuse me.
- Yes? May I heIp you?
I've come to meet Kaveriamma.
- Yes.
Kaveri oh yes! She doesn't
Iive with us any Ionger.
Doesn't Iive here?
- She stayed with us for about a year...
... tiII a woman came Iooking for her.
And then, Kaveri Ieft with her.
But where did she go?
Just a minute,
I'II have to check the register.
Bharatiji, this gentIeman is
Iooking for Kaveri.
Do you know where
is she now?
Bharatiji used to share
the room with Kaveri.
I remember her mentioning
a viIIage before Ieaving.
Now what was it... ?
- That's right, Charanpur.
Where is this Charanpur?
- Never heard of it.
We'II find out.
Kaveri was a good woman.
We aII miss her.
Here's the address.
Thank you!
Kaveri is very fortunate.
There was someone who came
for her then, and now once again.
Otherwise who cares
for oId ones Iike us?