l used to call you 'Gitlee'
when we were kids.
The children are
supposed to be studying.
l'm sorry.
Now l understand.
Mathematics, Geography...
Oh yeah, by the way...
... you forgot your 50 rupees
at the bookshop!
Thank you, will you please go now?
Yes. l'm very sorry.
l... am... going!
l... am... going!
Very good.
What's this?
This is a foot massager, that'll take
care of your aching feet.
There is no electricity at the moment.
- Why?
We have power failures quite often.
- Oh, when will it resume?
Nothing can be said for sure.
This happens 3-4 times a week.
Who are they?
Gita's parents Shanta and Jagmohanji...
who started the school in Charanpur.
When Chikku was only five,
Jagmohanji passed away.
Gita was studying in a college
in Delhi at that time.
As soon as she graduated,
she came here...
... to help her mother with the
running of the school.
But Shanta's health was on the decline,
till a point when she sent Gita to the
Old Age Home to fetch me.
Before dying, Shanta entrusted
the upkeep of Gita and Chikku to me.