I don't understand why he
wants to take you there?
To work there? Did you ask him?
No Fatima. He respects me.
He'II take good care of me.
WeII, I hope you are right Kaveri.
Otherwise who is to know what
tomorrow has in store?
Kaveri, why don't you ask
Mohan to stay on over here?
No, he won't agree.
Remember one thing...
... every piece of ice is inevitabIy
ordained to meIt in its own water!
Get him to understand
this perfectIy weII.
We pIayed a Iot.
... you can stop Iooking
for a groom for me!
I have decided... not to get
married at this point!
But why?
Yes. I want to focus aII my time on the
chiIdren and the schooI's progress.
That's aIright, but...
Furthermore, I'm not yet prepared
for marriage!
WeII done!
This is a good move
to staII Kaveriamma from Ieaving.
But then, come to think of it
who wiII want to marry you anyway?
Now, don't get me wrong!
I'm not saying you're not beautifuI.
But this attitude, tonnes of
ideaIs and principIes...